The goddess of fortune (Lakshmi) could not receive the same favour as the gopis.

“In many places, the sastras describe the Supreme Personality of Godhead as being more inclined toward His devotees than toward His wife, who always remains on His chest. In Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.14.15) it is stated:

na tatha me priyatama atma-yonir na sankarah
na ca sankarsano na srir naivatma ca yatha bhavan

Here Krishna plainly says that His devotees are more dear to Him than Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva, Lord
Sankarsana (the original cause of creation), the goddess of fortune or even His own Self. Elsewhere in Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.9.20) Sukadeva Gosvami says,

nemam virinco na bhavo na srir apy anga samsraya
prasadam lebhire gopi yat tat prapa vimuktidat

The Supreme Lord, who can award liberation to anyone, showed more mercy toward the gopis than to Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva or even the goddess of fortune, who is His own wife and is associated with His body. Similarly, Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.47.60) also states:

nayam sriyo ‘nga u nitanta-rateh prasadah svar-yositam nalina-gandha-rucam kuto ‘nyah
rasotsave ‘sya bhuja-danda-grhita-kanthalabdhasisam ya udagad vraja-sundarinam

“The gopis received benedictions from the Lord that neither Laksmidevi nor the most beautiful dancers in the heavenly planets could attain. In the rasa dance, the Lord showed His favor to the most fortunate gopis by placing His arms on their shoulders and dancing with each of them individually. No one can compare with the gopis, who received the causeless mercy of the Lord.””
In the Chaitanya-caritamrta it is said that no one can receive the real favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead without following in the footsteps of the gopis. Even the goddess of fortune could not receive the same favor as the gopis, although she underwent severe austerities and penances for many years.”

Source: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (2014 edition), “Srimad Bhagavatam”, Fifth Canto, Chapter 18 – Text 23

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