After the results of one’s sacrifices, charity and other pious activities are over, one must return to the lower planetary systems.

“It is certainly as a result of pious activities that one takes birth in the heavenly planets, but from those planets one must nevertheless come down again to earth, as stated in Bhagavad-gita (ksine punye martyalokam visanti). Even the demigods must return to earth to work like ordinary men when the results of their pious activities expire. Nevertheless, the demigods desire to come to the land of Bharata-varsa if even a small portion of the merits of their pious activities remains. In other words, to take birth in Bharatavarsa, one must perform more pious activities than the demigods. In Bharata-varsa one is naturally Krishna conscious, and if one further cultivates his Krishna consciousness, by the grace of Krishna he certainly expands his good fortune by becoming perfect in Krishna consciousness and very easily going back home, back to Godhead. In many other places in the Vedic literature it is found that even the demigods want to come to this land of Bharata-varsa. A foolish person may desire to be promoted to the heavenly planets as a result of his pious activities, but even the demigods from the heavenly planets want to come to Bharatavarsa and achieve bodies that may be very easily used to cultivate Krishna consciousness. Therefore Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu repeatedly says:

bharata-bhumite haila manusya-janma yara
janma sarthaka kari’ kara para-upakara

A human being born in the land of Bharata-varsa has the special prerogative to develop Krishna consciousness. Therefore those already born in Bharata-varsa should take lessons from the sastras and guru and should fully take advantage of the mercy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in order to be fully equipped with Krishna consciousness. By taking full advantage of Krishna consciousness, one goes back home, back to Godhead (yanti mad-yajino ‘pi mam). The Krishna consciousness movement is therefore spreading this facility to human society by opening many, many centers all over the world so that people may associate with the pure devotees of the Krishna consciousness movement, understand the science of Krishna consciousness and ultimately go back home, back to Godhead. ”

Source: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (2014 edition), “Srimad Bhagavatam”, Fifth Canto, Chapter 19 – Text 28

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