Why does Krishna gives us permission to do something wrong.

“Krishna is the witness within everyone’s heart, and he is seeing all of our activities.” We cannot hide anything from Him, and we receive the results of our karma because the witness is Krishna Himself within the heart. How, then, can we avoid Him? Without Krishna’s permission, we cannot do anything. Why does Krishna give us permission to do something wrong? He does so because we persist. Actually, He does not tell us to do anything other than surrender unto Him. We want to do something, and Krishna may sanction it, but we go ahead and do it at our own risk. Krishna is not responsible. However, we should know that without the sanction of Krishna, we cannot do anything. That is a fact. Actually, we are constitutionally servants of Krishna. Even though we may declare ourselves independent, we are not. Rather, we are servants falsely declaring that we are independent. Self-realization is to understand that we are dependent on the Supreme Personality of Godhead. As Caitanya Mahaprabhu says:
ayi nanda-tanuja kinkaram, patitam mam visame bhavambudhau krpaya tava pada-pankajasthita- dhuli-sadrsam vicintaya

“My dear Lord Krishna, son of Maharaja Nanda, I am Your eternal servant, but somehow or other I have fallen into this ocean of nescience. Please pick me up from this ocean of death and place Me as one of the atoms at Your lotus feet.” (Siksastaka 5)

Source: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (2007 edition), “Teachings of Lord Kapila, The Son of Devahuti”, Page 69 & 70

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