Srimati Radharani Appearance

Fast Breaking Time – Fasting till Noon

Description – People, in general, do not know about Radharani. Radha-tattva is a very confidential subject matter which is hidden even from the Vedas. As a result, there are many misconceptions – or no conceptions at all – about Radharani. Radharani is a manifestation of Krishna’s love. Shri Radha is hladini-sakti, or the pleasure-giving potency of Krishna. Krishna is energetic and Radha is energy. Radha and Krishna are one Atma (soul) in the sense that they are Sakti (power) and saktiman (powerful). Even though They are one Atma (soul), still from time immemorial They have manifested in two different forms in Goloka Vrindavana to enjoy sweet pastimes.

Svayam Bhagavan Krishna has unlimited potencies categorized into three divisions: the internal potency, or antaranga-sakti; the external potency, or bahiranga-sakti; and marginal potency, or tatastha-sakti. The marginal potency is jiva-sakti. The external energy is the energy by which this material world is manifested, maintained, and annihilated. The internal potency is His potency by He maintains His spiritual world.

The internal potency, which is known as svarupa-sakti or cit-sakti, has three aspects. Sandhini-sakti is His aspect of eternal existence: the Lord’s existential potency by which He maintains His existence. The essential portion of the sandhini potency is suddha-sattva. Lord Krishna’s rests upon it. Krishna’s mother, father, abode, houses, bedding, seats and so on are all transformations of suddha-sattva.
Samvit-sakti is His aspect of cognizance or cognitive potency which is also accepted as knowledge, by which potency the Lord knows Himself and causes others to know Him. The essence of the samvit potency is knowledge that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is Lord Krishna.
Hladini-sakti is His aspect of bliss by which the Lord gets pleasure and devotees are nourished. By this He possesses transcendental bliss and causes His devotees to experience bliss.

Radharani is expressed as the expansion of the pleasure potency (hladini-sakti) of Krishna. As She is compared with the creeper, Her associates, the damsels of Vraja, are just like the flowers and leaves of that creeper. When Radharani and Krishna enjoy Themselves, the damsels of Vraja enjoy the pleasure more than Radharani Herself. Although the associates of Radharani do not expect any personal attention from Krishna, still Radharani is so pleased with Her associates that She arranges a meeting of Krishna and the damsels of Vraja, individually. By many transcendental maneuvers, Radharani tries to combine or unite the associates with Krishna. Radharani takes more pleasure in these meetings than in Her own affairs. And, when Krishna sees that both Radharani and Her associates are pleased by His association, He becomes more satisfied. Such association and reciprocation of love has nothing to do with material lust, but because it resembles such unification between man and woman, or the similarity to the combination of man and woman is there, therefore sometimes it is called, in transcendental language, transcendental lust.

radhe jaya jaya madhava-dayite
lalita-sakhi guna-ramita-visakhe
karunam kuru mayi karuna-bharite
radhe jaya jaya madhava-dayite

This song was sung by Rupa Gosvami. He is the real person, actual person, to understand Radha and Krishna. So he says, “All glories to Radharani.” Radhe jaya jaya madhava-dayite. “She’s so dear to Krishna.” Krishna, everyone is trying to love Krishna, but Krishna is trying to love somebody. Now how great She is. Just try to understand. Everyone, the whole world, the whole universe, all living entities, they are trying to love Krishna. Krishna-prem. Lord Chaitanya describes, prema-pumartho mahan. And Rupa Gosvami described that “You are distributing krishna- prem.” So krishna-prem is so valuable, but Krishna is after Radharani. Just see how Radharani is great. Just try to understand the greatness of Radharani. Therefore She is so great, and we have to offer our respect. Radhe jaya jaya madhava-dayite. How She is? Gokula-taruni-mandala-mahite. Taruni, taruni means young girls. You’ll see the pictures, they are all young girls. But of all the young girls, She is the most beautiful. She is enchanting to the young girls also. She is so beautiful. Gokula-taruni- mandala-mahite. Damodara-rati-vardhana-vese. And She always dresses Her so nicely that Damodara, Krishna, becomes attracted by Her beauty. Hari- niskuta-vrnda-vipinese. And She is the only lovable object of Krishna, and She is the queen of Vrndavan. This queen of Vrndavan… You’ll find in Vrndavan, if you go to Vrndavan, everyone is worshiping Radharani. Rani means queen. They are always speaking, “Jaya Radhe!” Radharani. All the devotees in Vrndavan, they are worshiper of Radharani. Hari-niskuta-vrnda- vipinese. Vrsabhanu-dadhi-nava-sasi-lekhe. And She appeared as the daughter of King Vrsabhanu, and Her companion, Lalita-sakhi and Visakha- sakhi, and the devotees… So on behalf of the pure devotees of Krishna, Rupa Gosvami is praying, karunam kuru mayi karuna-bharite. “Oh, my worshipable Radharani, You are full of mercy. So I am begging of Your mercy because You are so merciful, very easily You offer, bestow Your mercy. So I am begging Your mercy.” Karunam kuru mayi karuna-bharite, sanaka-sanatana-varnita-carite. Now somebody may say, “Oh, you are so great, learned scholar, you are so great saintly person, and you are begging mercy from an ordinary girl? How is that?” Therefore Rupa Gosvami says, “Oh, this is not ordinary girl.” Sanaka-sanatana-varnita- carite. “This girl’s description is possible to be made by great saintly persons like Sanaka-Sanatana. She is not ordinary.” So the lesson is that we should not treat Radharani as ordinary girl, or Krishna as ordinary man. They are the Supreme Absolute Truth. But in the Absolute Truth, there is the pleasure potency, and that is exhibited in the dealings of Radha and Krishna. And Radha’s expansion all the gopis, and Krishna is the Supreme Lord.

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