Beings who possess living force are superior to dull matter.
There are two energies–material and spiritual–and both originally come from Krishna. Of the two energies manifest [spirit and dull matter], beings possessing living force [vegetables, grass, trees, and plants] are superior to dull matter [stone, earth, etc.]. Superior to non-moving plants and vegetables are worms and snakes, which can move. Superior to worms and snakes are animals that have developed intelligence. Superior to animals are human beings, and superior to human beings are ghosts because they have no material bodies. Superior to ghosts are the Gandharvas, and superior to them are the Siddhas. Superior to the Siddhas are the Kinnaras, and superior to them are the asuras. Superior to the asuras are the demigods, and of the demigods, Indra, the GandharvasKing of heaven, is supreme. Superior to Indra are the direct sons of Lord Brahma, sons like King Daksa, and supreme among Brahma’s sons is Lord Shiva. Since Lord Shiva is the son of Lord Brahma, Brahma is considered superior, but Brahma is also subordinate to Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Because I am inclined to the Brahmanas, the Brahmanas are best of all. The Lord is worshipped as brahmanya-deva. The Lord is very fond of devotees, or Brahmanas. This does not refer to so-called caste brahmanas, but to qualified Brahmanas. A Brahmana should be qualified with the eight qualities, such as sama, dama, Satya and titiksa. The Brahmanas should always be worshipped, and under their guidance, the ruler should discharge his duty and rule the citizens. Unfortunately, in this age of Kali, the executive is not selected by very intelligent people, nor is he guided by qualified Brahmanas. Consequently, chaos results. The mass of people should be educated in Krishna consciousness so that according to the democratic process they can select a first-class devotee like Bharata Maharaja to head the government. If the head of the state is headed by qualified Brahmanas, everything is completely perfect.
Source: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (2014 edition), “Srimad Bhagavatam”, Fifth Canto, Chapter 05 – Text 21 & 22